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About Us

This hobby is getting out of control....

During lockdown 1 in the UK, April 2020, I was discussing finally making the change over from console gaming to PC. Something that I had been putting off for years. ​


In June 2020 I had finally caved and bought a PC and shortly after building and turning it on for the first time, an iRacing subscription followed. A game/sim I had always wanted as a young racer. Now as an adult I could finally own my own little piece of this massive SIM world.


After winning my first 4 races and getting out of Rookie class on Day 1, I was glad to see that I still had reasonable pace in the changeover.​ It was shortly after this that I felt it time to make a return attempt to YouTube. ​

In 2017 I had started a channel that provided F1 2017 and Project Cars 2 circuit guides as well as news and race reviews of both F1 and BTCC. This was Pre WTF1 YouTube, you could call me a pioneer... obviously joking.

Due to there being so many F1 videos out there it was actually the BTCC and Circuit Guide videos that were the most successful for this small 80 subscriber channel. ​

June 23rd 2020, I released a trailer containing footage of races that me and my long term racing team-mate Stephen King (not the writer) had featured in, claiming the return of The Racing Line after 3 years of no content.

I figured I would start where I left off, with circuit guides. iRacing had just released a BMW M4 GT4, and this my 1st season out of rookie Mazda's was my chosen series and car.

The rest as they say is history, from that day I have released at least 1 video every week and the channel grew much faster than any I had attempted before. Okay not as fast as viral sensations like Rebecca Black or KSI.  But for some random Motorsport fan from the UK driving pretend cars around?

I thank you all for the support thus far and am exicted to see where this goes.



Jack Johns, Founder of The Racing Line 

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